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Ocean Law Bulletins

Ronlyn Sahib and James Sloan

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How to incorporate a non-profit entity as a charitable trust or company limited by guarantee under Fiji law

Jan 29, 2018 / by Ronlyn Sahib and James Sloan posted in Fiji Company Law, Fiji law, Fiji tax law, Fiji Charitable Trusts Act, Incorporation of not for profit

As at 2018, there are about seventeen (17) regional and international organisations with offices in Fiji. Some of these not only oversee Fiji programs but also programs in the region and in other Pacific Island Countries.

Apart from these regional and international organisations, there are a multitude of other non-profit entities in Fiji working in areas including protecting the natural environment, children's rights and women's rights. Some of these organisations are not registered in Fiji and operate by way of a memorandum of understanding with the Government of Fiji while others are registered as charitable trusts, as branch offices or as companies limited by guarantee.

There are benefits for non-profit entities by establishing a legal entity under Fiji law and the aim of this bulletin is to consider the two most suitable ways to establish (incorporate) a non-profit entity under Fiji law. These are as a:

  • Charitable trust; or
  • Company limited by guarantee.
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